Meniscal Stitcher Repair System

Delivery from the inside out with a smaller needle diameter.

Many types of meniscal rips can still be repaired using traditional inside-out procedures. Inside-out procedures have been the industry standard for arthroscopic meniscus repair, because they offer the adaptability to handle a variety of tear patterns and the capacity to deliver sutures with smaller needles, with long-term benefits that have been demonstrated.
The MENISCAL STITCHER can be tailored to the particular requirements of each surgery and is especially made for inside-out procedures.

Meniscal Stitcher System Includes

  • Double-lumen cannulas that are curved
  • Cannula with two straight lumens
  • Cannula for posterior access
  • Tool for bending thimbles
  • Tray for sterilization
  • Several types of disposable needles

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